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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We Are All the Same

Katelyn Merrill, a local talent, attended the New Year's Intention workshop, to meditate and write. She has shared two other verses (posted today also), and added this one - inspired by her observation of the practice. How amazing that we each bring our talents to the community.

Ashlea's music was inspirational, it gave the practice its shape and tone. Kate's words seem to record the emotion of it all. And the students who attended fueled the practice with their movement, and their willingness. Amazing what we accomplish when we come together.

Let go-Stay here just a moment-

Lift the heart-Lift the soul

Breathe in deeply.

Let the heart lead, and the head follow.

I invite you to stay here in this place

As long as you need-

As long as it lifts your heart-

Lifts your soul.

Let go- Stay here just a moment-

Find your breath-Inhale-Exhale.

Be enriched, grow-We need to change.

Flow with. Not against.

We are all the same-all the same....

We awaken-when we let go.

written by Katelyn Merrill, Janaury 1, 2012

Kula Yoga Community New Year's Intention Workshop

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Kate . I would love to use this as our opening reading for next Saturday's class at Space 301. Perfect perfect perfect ! ~Julie Wilkins
