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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jodi Blumstein Ashtanga Yoga Weekend

April 27-29, 2012
at Space 301, Downtown Mobile

The Roots of Vinyasa: Deepening Your Yoga Practice with Jodi Blumstein

Breath, Bandhas, Drishti, Vinyasa: These are the fundamental aspects of the Ashtanga Yoga system. In this weekend workshop we will dive into these fundamental aspects of this discipline, to refine the practice of all students, no matter what level or experience. We will work with Yoga Chikitsa (the full primary series) and students will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of the philosophy that supports this practice, its incredible history as well as a better understanding of how to manage a lifelong practice that is connected to the roots of yoga.

4/27 Friday night 6:30-9:00pm
Intro to Ashtanga Yoga
A thorough introduction to the Ashtanga Yoga practice and an important tune up for experienced practitioners. This class will go over the fundamentals of ashtanga yoga - Breath, Bandhas, Drishti and Vinyasa and will explain Jodi's teaching philosophy to set the tone for the weekend.

4/28 Saturday afternoon 1:00-3:00pm Yoga Chikitsa - Breaking down the primary series.
This class is a thorough look at the entire primary series - where all of your questions can be answered. We will look at each posture and discuss the evolution of this practice over time.

4/28 Saturday afternoon 3:30-5:30pm
Pranayama, chanting, philosophy -
In this class we will have a look at the traditional pranayama practice that was taught by Sri K Pattabhi Jois to his students and discuss how to bring this into your daily practice. We will also discuss the importance of meditation in relationship to daily practice. Lastly we will introduce the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, in a very basic way, play with some Sanskrit pronunciation and do some chanting and discussion of these important works.

4/29 Sunday - 10:00-1:00pm
The culmination of the entire weekend - we will Meditate, Breathe, Chant and practice the entire Primary series straight through. Do your practice and all is coming.

The price of the workshop is $155, and early bird registration is $140 if paid before March 28. Single sessions cost $45.

You can pay now via PayPal:

Jodi Blumstein
You can sample Jodi's classes onwww.YogaGlo.com. (15 day free trial)

Six Directions of the Spine Class Series with Amanda

For the month of February, I will be doing a Six Directions of the Spine series in the following classes:

Mon 12-1pm ProHealth (not a Kula class)
Mon 5:30-6:45pm Daphne Rec Dept
Tues 10-11:15am The Wellness Center in Semmes
Tues 6-7:15pm Mobile Botanical Gardens
Wed 9:30-10:45am Eastern Shore Dance Academy
Wed 6-7:15pm Mobile Arts Council Downtown
Thurs 3-4pm Space 301 Downtown

This series will encompass the six ways the spinal column can be manipulated and the energetic and emotional qualities associated with each movement, incorporating the yamas, niyamas, chakra system and other systems of the subtle body. This series will also cover a brief explanation of how to approach scoliosis with yoga.

All postures will be modifiable for each level. The physical portion of the class will be a gentle flowing pace.

Week 1: Calming Forward Folds, Root and Sacral Chakras, Nervous System, Pratyahara and Svadyaya
Week 2: Energetic Backbends, Heart Chakra, Adrenal System, Ahimsa and Karuna
Week 3: Purifying Twists, Core Chakra, Digestive System, Tapas, Yoga for Scoliosis
Week 4: Lengthening Lateral Movement, Yoga for Scoliosis

No pre-registration necessary. All Kula classes are Pay What You Can. If you plan on attending this series and have scoliosis or another spinal issue, please come to class 15 minutes early for so I can assess your condition.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We Are All the Same

Katelyn Merrill, a local talent, attended the New Year's Intention workshop, to meditate and write. She has shared two other verses (posted today also), and added this one - inspired by her observation of the practice. How amazing that we each bring our talents to the community.

Ashlea's music was inspirational, it gave the practice its shape and tone. Kate's words seem to record the emotion of it all. And the students who attended fueled the practice with their movement, and their willingness. Amazing what we accomplish when we come together.

Let go-Stay here just a moment-

Lift the heart-Lift the soul

Breathe in deeply.

Let the heart lead, and the head follow.

I invite you to stay here in this place

As long as you need-

As long as it lifts your heart-

Lifts your soul.

Let go- Stay here just a moment-

Find your breath-Inhale-Exhale.

Be enriched, grow-We need to change.

Flow with. Not against.

We are all the same-all the same....

We awaken-when we let go.

written by Katelyn Merrill, Janaury 1, 2012

Kula Yoga Community New Year's Intention Workshop

We Forget to Breathe

"Run, Run, Run-we forget to breathe.

Run, Run, Run- Punch in/Punch out- Time clocks, and we forget to breathe.

Letting go takes a leap of faith. Trust connection-energies transform. You mold me-I mold you with our eyes- Sometimes it takes closing our eyes to really see.

Grow, breathe, grow,-We are all the same.

Relax, just breathe, just breakdown the walls of separation-we could move mountains with our spirit connection.

Breathe, breathe in life-breathe in one another's life-We breathe in the same air.

Now is the moment, now is the time to change. If we all just focused, if we all just stopped! Stepped away from distraction, let go of "I".......what an amazing life love we could create, experience, share."

written by Katelyn Merril

January 1, 2012

Individually the Same

"Death brings forth new light-new life, new love, new awakenings. If only we opened our eyes. Would we see more clearly? Or, would it all dance, and orb, and appear, and disappear in seconds all around us?_

Time is a facade of numbered lines. Lasting infinitely, yet boxed in by definitions-

When we allow ourselves to be free. Break down the walls of limitations, and connect through pure energy, through intent, through unconditional love--What a created energy to feel!

No judgments, no competitions-for we are all, individually, the same."

written by Katelyn Merrill

Jan 1, 21012