Yamas and Niyamas
8 Week Class Series
Space 301
Join Amanda Brenner, E-RYT200 in an exploration of the ethical guidlines presented in the philosophy of yoga. Each class will include slow flowing postures, breathwork, meditation, and a discussion of a yama or niyama from the Yoga Sutras. Appropriate for beginners as well as seasoned yogis. Suggested Donation $60 for entire series Commit to the whole series or Pay What You Can drop-in. Week 1: Ahimsa (non-violence) Week 2: Satya (truthfulness) and Asteya (non-stealing) Week 3: Bramacharya (moderation) Week 4: Aparigraha (non-grasping) Week 5: Sauca (purity) Week 6: Tapas (discipline) and Santosha (contentment) Week 7: Svadyaya (self-study) Week 8: Isvara Pranidana (surrender) KulaYogaCommunity.org |