I intend to keep offering Pay What You Can yoga classes in my community. I intend to continue to expand this mission so that as many people as possible are given the opportunity to practice this healing art.
I intend to teach teachers. I intend to equip more people with the ability to present the benefits of yoga to their own community in an informed and educated way. I intend to be a catalyst for the paths of individuals and the path of the yoga family, the Kula, of the surrounding area. More love, more mindfulness, healthier bodies.
I intend to finish my 500 hour teacher training program before 2013. The exam, the research paper, the contact hours, and the trip to Machupichu! I also intend to register as E-RYT 200 in November.
I intend to ingest that which is most beneficial, to practice ahimsa. In mind, body, and soul. To skip the ice cream when that action is needed, and to enjoy the indulgences in their own time as well.
I intend to love my friends. To cherish every soul that impacts my life for the better and to even value those I see as a challenge.
I intend to walk my dog, to smile at my neighbors, and to buy local.
I intend to practice yoga, to remin calm through mindfulness. I intend to practice asana, pranayama, mantra, or meditation twenty minutes daily.
Wishing you the best of intentions in 2012!
Amanda and her canine companion, Marie Antoinette, mull over their intentions for 2012 on a snowy day in Colorado Springs.