What and when was your first experience of yoga?
When I was a little kid, I must have been exposed somewhere to yoga--perhaps it was when we were living in Germany, I really don't remember--I was always going into lotus pose and "pretending" to chant...great fun! Later, in 2002, my good friend was in the midst of her 200 hour teacher training. She came over and was totally glowing as she told me all about it. I decided to rent some DVDs (like many newbies to yoga, I was nervous I would look like an idiot for my first class and so before I went, I wanted to at least have some kind of knowledge of the practice). I finally went for my first class, and how wrong I was to be nervous! Everyone was so nice---I just remember walking into the lobby, filled with candles and the "desk yogi" greeted me with the biggest, warmest smile. I knew I would be okay. To put it simply, I feel in love with the practice. I stuck with that studio (in DC) throughout my early practice and through my teacher training for several years before moving to Mobile in 2006.
What or who inspired you to deepen your practice and study, and to become a teacher?
In December of 2005, my fiance', Aaron, and I decided to make the move from the DC area (which is my hometown) to Mobile (his hometown), so we planned the move for later in 2006 and I applied to graduate school at South. I knew that I wanted to be able to ground myself through the move, school, and beyond. While I had lived away from my "home" base before, it was always temporary--never longer than a year at a time. I knew I wanted to deepen my practice to keep me feeling safe, grounded and happy as I moved far from family and old friends. Aaron really was the major driving force to enter teacher training---I had been tossing it around in my mind, and he really encouraged me to go for it and even put my tuition on his credit card! So, thanks to Aaron, I was able to complete my 200 hour training in DC before moving to Mobile--and it has made all the difference in my life, whether or not I acknowledge it on a daily basis--it is absolutely true.
How long have you been teaching?
I started teaching community classes during my teacher training in early 2006 and started teaching on a regular basis shortly after my move, in August of 2006. I have been consistently teaching here in Mobile ever since and have been fortunate enough to meet up with old DC-area friends to teach at a couple of retreats in South America.
How would you describe your teaching style?
I love to move and I love a bit of whimsy! I would describe my class as full of breath and movement---and maybe some laughs! In my classes, which are hatha vinyasa flow-based, we start with the breath, moving through asanas while building heat in the process. I would say it is gently challenging---I like to offer alternatives and I encourage people to rest throughout. I want people to listen to their bodies. I definitely modify my class throughout based on the feedback I feel from the students--verbal, facial expressions, sweat level (ha!). I really just want people to feel good.
What does "living your yoga" mean to you in your personal life?
For me, it means finding joy and balance. No one is perfect and I am not a saint. In fact, very far from it. Yoga brings me the balance I so need in my life. Teaching it brings me joy. In my "other" life, I am a biochemistry post-doctoral research fellow and through my yoga and meditation practices and my medical research, I really strive to create balance and total health--all the way to the cellular level. That being said, to me, a good yoga practice, good food, good books, good wine, good friends, and good times are all part of a healthy, balanced life. My philosophy is as simple as that which we learn as children: try to be nice, do no harm, have fun, do your best. The ways in which we create happiness for ourselves and others are really the underlying basis for our lives.
Tell us about life outside teaching yoga.
As I mentioned above, I am a biochemistry post-doc in the Center for Lung Biology at South, and I study molecular mechanisms of acute lung injury with the ultimate goal of contributing to a therapy or intervention. My days and many weekends are spent in the laboratory, usually under a microscope or working with cells. It is interesting work, but can sometimes be tedious and very stressful (yoga and meditation are a necessity!). I do love science, though! Perhaps one day I will be a professor. At home with Aaron, we have two awesome, very spoiled and ill-behaved rescue dogs, Daisy (who we got from a shelter in DC) and Bama (who I found in a parking lot when I was subbing yoga on a very cold December night)...and long story short, they both have yoga associations--so I also credit yoga with helping find my doggie-loves! We lead a pretty simple life and try to be conscious of our actions---we compost (for our garden!), and recycle (too many wine bottles, probably), love to have company (come on over!)...
What inspires you? (Within yoga and otherwise)
I am inspired by so many things. Friends and family who really go for it and take a leap of faith! I am always impressed by those willing to make a major change or follow their dreams or just live in their own way!! This includes those yogis who have dedicated their lives to the practice or teaching. I also love nature and being outside as much as possible -- the ocean is a major source of renewal and creativity for me.
What pose(s) are you currently working on in your personal practice, and what are you learning about yourself?
Believe or not, I have a little bit of fear when it comes to inversions and arm balances. It goes beyond not necessarily being able to get into those poses---it's a fear of falling on my face--both literally and figuratively. Is it a fear of failure? Or an unreasonable fear of hurting myself? I am still asking myself this... Recently, however, I flew in acro yoga with Amanda and it was SO liberating---I felt safe and free, grounded and lifted all at once. It inspired me to try the arm balance workshop at Yoga Day---and while I was a little tired from the community practice, I found parsva bakasana and was very excited! So, I am working on arm balances and inversions--but really I am working on getting over my fear.